Active Sports | School Sport | LLR Sport | SDO Zone | reports
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Bullet Active Sports
Bullet School Sport
Bullet Community Sport
Bullet LLR Sport
Welcome to a brand new website for Sport in Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland.
This webite has been created to keep you informed of all the latest developments, sports programmes and opportunities that are available across the Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland area.
Over the coming months our team will be working on the site to make sure it's topical, relevent and helps you to get the most from whatever you do in Sport, whether you are a player, coach, volunteer or professional.
Our aim is to make it reflective of the broad and wide ranging nature of local Sport. After all we are the 'Sporting County'.
Finally, we are looking for your thoughts and comments. What's good! What's not so good and needs more work! and What else you would like to see.
Just let us know by emailing us

Staff Changes - We recently appointed the following people to support the delivery of the Active Sports Programme: Sarah Brown - Swimming Helen Buckingham - (temporary for 6 months) - Tennis Wayne Walker - Athletics
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A wide range of scUK Coach education courses is now available. Click here to find out where they are taking place
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What do you most enjoy about playing sport?
Keeping fit
meeting new friends
Don't like sport!
Having Fun